
Southeast Asia was in my mind last night and I ended up flicking through this travel guide before bed.

A Lonely Planet first edition. 1986. £9.95 - quite a lot for 30 years ago.

I bought it before my first trip to Singapore, to visit a friend I worked with in the early 80s. Craig is still there. It was a 3 week trip, and as he'd be working during the week I planned to go to see other places then.

Trouble was, another friend invited me to stay with him in Hong Kong for a while. So, I didn't get to Indonesia. I still haven't been.

Maybe it's time to give the book to a charity shop. Or a museum. Is there a market for first editions of guide books?

This week will be difficult. The £ and the FTSE may lose another 10% (or worse) tomorrow morning as a result of the leadership vacuum left by Cameron after his Friday morning announcement. No doubt that is part of his plan, whatever it may be.


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