On the A66

The long drive from Bearsted to Edinburgh today which passed off safely without any major problems save for the sat nav telling us that the A1 was closed at Blyth. It wasn't, but it was closed near the Angel of the North but in the end that did not matter as we were directed over the A66 to the M6

The weather in Kent was still upset from yesterday's storms but cleared as we travelled north but with the threat of rain later. It became quite warm and sunny the further north we ventured until we hit the A66 when the forecast warm front became evident as we motored west.

This shot was taken near Bowes approaching Stanmore Summit and exhibits the classic form of the edge of the warm from of an Atlantic depression. High clouds lowering and thickening to the west. Sure enough 15 miles further on the skies were uniformly grey and the remainder of the journey was completed in heavy rain with the temperature dropping 8c from a high of 21c earlier in the day.

I'll be all hands on deck tomorrow for the wedding (outside) on Tuesday. Keep everything crossed for good weather.

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