Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

Life Ob

Completed an essay today! Which mean I'm now down to one last individual presentation to work and prepare for........

I love to reward myself, like seriously. Isn't it important to let loose yourself and have fun after stressing out for a long time? Even a stroll at the park or just gazing at the stars will work for me.

Tonight, I went for a stroll at my favourite park after dinner. Each time I visit a huge park, I would secretly wish for one nearer to home. I'm falling in love with parks, and their serenity.

Bishan Park was rather happening tonight. There were many people having fun showing off their beautiful night kites, and flying skills of course. Well, there were also amateur astronomers doing night observation. Good to get to know them. Interesting hobbies we have at the park tonight.

After an afternoon of typing out an essay.... I rewarded myself with icecream, and it's definitely fulfilling just sitting by the park, observing everything that's going on. I love life.

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