conservatory base

Jon and I both had false starts to our day. I managed to get all the way to Norwich park and ride, only to find I had left my purse at home. So no pre-paid bus pass, but no money either! I was very cross with myself. I rang work in a panic, and Maddie who answered the phone suggested I parked in the multi story near to our offices. There, I could collect a ticket, and pay on my way out (after borrowing the fee from Maddie!) So this i did, and got to work at 9, after leaving home at 7.30!

Loads to do at work. There always is for me, especially during the week after payroll has been run. Phones are always busy this week too, as pensioners receive their payslips....well, those who still get one!

I didn't manage my usual break at 11 to ring Jon, but when I did a little later, he didn't sound happy. There was a problem fixing the base for the conservatory to sit on, due to a down pipe, and he was stressing about it. I left him to it. At lunchtime I rang again and he sounded much happier.

I left at 5 and what a horrible slow journey out of the city. I am glad I dont do that every day.

Home at 6.30 to be greeted by the base we see here. Jon and Dan worked hard on it all day.

I've cooked tea, and spent a while with my big chickens and my babies. Minnie had escaped into the field at the back, but couldn't get back. I caught her eventually, after getting stung and scratched.

I've just booked our travel insurance, and now its the sewing bee, so I've kicked the kids off the tv. They were watching England try and play football. Give me sewing any day!

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