Enjoying the rain

Like many of you today, I swam home. 

OK, I am exaggerating, and I owe a huge thank you to Heather for lending me her old umbrella. I stayed at work a bit later to see if the rain eased off a bit, but by 5.30 it just seemed to be coming down even heavier, so I had to go. I had no coat, no umbrella and summer sandals. The borrowed umbrella was VERY welcome. The bus didn't show up, followed by the next one which eventually arrived 10 minutes late. I could have done without that, shivering in the rain. 

So at home, I ate my dinner in the conservatory, with the rain pounding on the plastic roof. I love that sound. The birds were enjoying the fat balls on my bird feeder. There were 2 blue tits, one definitely a young one, probably hatched in mum's birdbox next door, plus a long tailed tit, which I usually see in family groups. This one was on his own though.

I finished off making a couple of presents for one birthday and one wedding this weekend. That took what remained of my evening. Now I have to get to bed. My youngest has a birthday tomorrow, and even though he will be 15, I still expect him to be up early!!

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