
By Grimsayer

Summer kitchen

I've always been very jealous of friends with a Summer kitchen - those who live in Minervois in particular have a stunning rooftop terrace kitchen.
We've been thinking about where we can put one ourselves and by a concatenation of circumstances today was the day.
Saturday is our shopping day. Today was the DIY shop, a funny ramshackle set of tents by the side of the road and, of course, Lidl.
The DIY shop did the required business. The tents came up trumps with a couple of decent slabs of marble - both on view in the image - for the grand total of fifteen euros the pair. Lidl as ever amazed. We've been talking about getting some more climbing roses - they had them - a barbecue - they had one.- and, more challengingly, something to automatically water the garden  when we are away - they had one. Mr Lidl must sit there in his German office thinking what will the Augers want next.
A scrabble afternoon for Tricia whilst I got to put the roses in.


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