Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Moving sheep

Rusty his mum Shaw and Bud following the sheep. Gather postponed until tomorrow due to low cloud. A morning in the office filing, paying bills and writing bills. Then moving sheep out of our larger hill park. This was a brainwave for when my mum has to look after the 8 collies on Thursday and Friday. I was worrying about it as there was no where livestock free for her to walk them. They have a habit of taking advantage of anyone else who looks after them made even harder by their quantity! Sooo we decided to clear the hill park of sheep but while doing so tried to shed off any older ewes and their lambs so they could go in another field rather than shut out on the hill. All went to plan and I used Shaw and Cuillin my semi retired and retired dogs. They worked well but were pretty determined at times to bring the sheep home rather than push them out the hill. Shows you how clever they are.

13c rain am overcast but dry pm

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