Tuesday: Verde And Company

I met my friend, S, for dinner in Spitalfields this evening. It was great to see her - she has been living in Singapore for the last few years and I haven't actually seen her since her wedding in 2008. We picked up wonderfully naturally - it wasn't even a catch up, it was just a lovely wide-ranging chat about so many things. I also chatted to our Polish waiter quite a lot and wanted to make sure he felt the love.......

Little snippet of information - Jeannette Winterson owns this shop, or at least she did.

On our favourite subject, I do need to start trying to get some perspective on it, and finding a way to deal with it, so forgive me if I indulge my thoughts a bit here.

My question is where do I place the anger and upset.......is it in the direction of David Cameron, who asked us a question that never needed to be asked and which was just a pure vote-winner? Or, indeed, for walking away now that we are in this position? Or should I be angrier with Johnson, Gove and, most of all Farage, who just lied..........or should I think about those in the 51% who failed to take their responsibility to educate themselves on the issue seriously, and who are now openly expressing their regret, or at those who just used this as a protest vote, never thinking it would have an impact? Should I be angry with Jeremy Corbyn whose lacklustre messaging failed to convince anyone and drove a lot of Labour supporters towards UKIP? And how angry should I be with the Brexiteers who have no concrete plan and who have not said a word since Friday.

Thank you - it helps to get this off my chest and I'll try and find a place for this but, at the moment, I still feel like I have been kicked out of a school I really want to be in because my classmates have messed it up for me. In the meantime, I'll remain a loyal EU citizen in my heart. And can someone go and find David Miliband and bring him back here?

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