Plus ça change...

By SooB

Shady days (2)

With our host and the wee fella back at work/nursery today, the rest of us had a slightly slower morning. I used up the egg whites left after yesterday's quiche bonanza yesterday to make some meringues with Cam, though somehow the oven managed to singe them a bit... (I'm sure it wasn't my tired, hungover state at all...)

Later, there was a trip to Hyde Park to catch up with Aunty Ro who secured an early release from work to dash across London to see us. Again, we sought the shade of the trees and chased the children away to play with frisbees (and later a bunch of dogs) while we caught up with each other's news and waiting for more folk to arrive. When they didn't (combination of late working and a nasty tumble and resulting trip to hospital for stitches for Ro's smallest guest from Scotland) we nonetheless managed to see off all the wine we'd both brought (shame to have to haul it home) and then dashed off to get our bus home. A long shouty game of 'The Name Game" on the back seats of the top deck kept us busy (and soon cleared the top deck of folk too) and then back for a feast of lamb and a comparatively early night.

(The early night was a good idea - it was so hot that I spent a large part of the night half hanging out of the window to cool down.)

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