Welcome to Edinburgh
Long day. Started waaaay too early when it became apparent that the temperature in the bedroom was not compatible was sleep. Nor was my splitting head (which has something to do with Mr B's free hand with the cocktail jug). A relocation to the spare room, via the ibuprofen cupboard, allowed another hour or so sleep. Then up to sort the garden out for our brief absence - pots in the shade and well soaked, tomatoes and veg garden soaked.
Once the packing was done (never takes long with hand luggage only) we headed off, obviously not to our closest airport, but on the three hour drive to Bordeaux (our neighbours looked perplexed when we told them that).
Somehow we managed to not allow enough time for getting there, couldn't figure out the parking and went to to wrong terminal ... all issues which come back to me one by one as I slowly remember my last trip through Bordeaux (without Mr B). Regardless we made the flight, and were inevitably stuck behind the 'family you want to avoid' with a baby they allowed to crawl up and down the plane unsupervised, and a 4 year old who spent the whole flight kicking the back of the seat in front of her, or leaning over the man unlucky enough to be in that seat to poke her friends in the seats beyond him. The parents were concentrating too much on only getting out of their seats when the seatbelt sign was on. As the dad said, it's the best time to get up because there's no-one else wandering about. And on a full flight they did that thing of insisting on four seats even though they'd paid for three. And I thought the steward was going to punch them if they interrupted his safety briefing again.
A bumpy (but not as bad as it could have been given the lightening) landing and then raincoats on and out into the rain.... And boy was it raining. Two inches of rain to wade through in the car park... And of course the usual Edinburgh by-pass in the rain traffic jam, a dash to Biggar for fish and chips, and on to my folks where a few glasses of red and a good chat with my mam kept me up well past what should have been my bedtime.
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