Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Love is ...

Today we popped over the bridge into En-ger-land to meet our bestest buddies. But as usual, as soon as we were halfway over the bridge the heavens opened and down came the rain, but that wasnt going to dampen our day.

We started off in the coffee shop, no surprise there, lol. As usual we had a great laugh, and me and my mate even had a singsong much to the dismay of the rest. I think the other customers liked it though.

During our shopping we managed to find the Adult creche (Apple shop) where i left a little image for all to see, he does bring out the worst best in me, hehe.

The sun managed to come out so that only meant one thing, off to the pub for something to eat, yum yum.

Overall we had the usual top quality day with top quality people, look forward to spending time with them again soon.

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