Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

November continues!

I am really grateful for a dry spell on my walk, even if it remains mighty chilly. It was my playground duty today and despite the fact it was throwing it down I took them outside for 15 minutes. I knew that were not going to be taken out at dinner time by the dinner ladies, so I thought it best to give them some fresh air and a run around! We were all rather wet when we came back in...but after all, we are not made of icing sugar!! 

This afternoon we have made our own greenhouses, of sorts! A sandwich bag, some wet cotton wool, a sunflower seed and a paper template in the shape of a green house. We decided together the window was a good place to put them to ensure they receive lots of light to help them grow. Watch this space! I've put a photo in my extras if you're interested :-) 

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