Old Town Meanderings

We woke up at M&M's villa... Asha was delighted to be able to go for a swim (as was Danny) first thing! 
We came back home, got some bits & bobs done, then later met up with the guys again... Took a lovely meander around the Old Town, stopping in a gallery half way up... It's somewhere I've been meaning to visit, so I was glad we managed to today. The paintings were by 2 local artists, both documenting Ibiza life in the 1920s, 30s, 40s... Fascinating and beautiful...and all housed in a stunning building.
We finished the evening with tapas at THE café...we couldn't have these guys come all the way to Ibiza & not visit THE café!

Added some extra pics...I loved the black parasol with the wires, walls & blue sky...also the iconic Old Town street with the bougainvillea...plus the view of the sea as you exit one of the Town tunnels...plus a gorgeous flower Asha gave me...all pictures memories of this day.

And now Danny's headed off to Sa Penya to be with the guys...a turbulent time still, with evicted people still homeless, friends homes being broken into by police...lots to pray for...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A wonderful morning nattering.
2) The Museo Puget gallery...looking forward to going back & reading all the info, and learning more about Ibiza & it's recent history. Plus it's free (& air-conditioned!).
3) Asha's delight when we saw one of her school friends at the café, so lovely to see their faces light up & arms be thrown around each other.

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