B is for Bougainvillea

Today we got back into more of a normal routine as Asha's Summer School began...they've got a circus theme...despite tears this morning (she did NOT want to go), she had a really good time & was full of stories when I collected her a few hours later. 
Good to have the morning getting back into the swing of things...I was round by the Town Hall & saw their new banner welcoming refugees (extra pic)...so wonderful...but what about the Roma who are actually Spanish nationals?! 

After a crafty afternoon making thankyou gifts, Asha & I went to M&M's place...she swam (extra pic), I nattered...then we all met up with Danny for dinner. He's had a full work day after just 1.5 hours sleep last night! He was out in Sa Penya with the guys, hearing all about the latest drugs raid on our friends home...

A wonderful last evening with our friends...a beautiful restaurant with vines all around, heavy with grapes (final extra - honest!). Amazing food & even better company. We shall miss these guys.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The D-Nens summer school - the women who run it are SO creative, SO loving towards the kids, and just fantastic at what they do. I'm grateful D-Nens (where she has her art class) is part of Asha's llife.
2) M&M sharing their holiday home with us...all 3 of us have loved it & will miss tootling over to see them...there's an extra from their front gate - a view out to Cap Negret (honestly, no more extra pics now!!). 
3) Fans - it's getting hot & sticky.

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