The sky is.....
...... definitely NOT that blue!!
The camera doesn't lie so they say, well it certainly did this am? It's now 5.15am this blip of 10 minutes ago has a very grey sky in more ways than one. I'll say no more except I'm sad .
I wish life could always be as calm and quiet as it is at present, I've been awake since2.50am and thought it's time to get up and have a cup of coffee and get on with the day. Reflecting on what might have been and sadly isn't doesn't do any good at all. So I'll go and stake the tomato plants up ( now I've got the canes !! ) then have breakfast. At least I've got a short visit from my daughter to look forward to, so message to me " stop whinging and count your blessings ! " life goes on.
Happy ..... that I had a bed to sleep in/ or not!!
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