The Three Stooges!

That is what I have renamed these three! Now there are less girls, and many who stood out because of their breed, these 3 have taken centre stage more! They are always together and are quite comical together! As you can see they like to lay together too, and seem to wait till they have all done so before leaving the coop! 
On arrival I found Nutmeg in a bad way - crop full of fluid, so I picked her up, turned her upside down and massaged her crop so she threw it all up.  She immediately went for a long drink on being returned to the others and I didn't think she would last the day- but then a little later I saw her eating! I think she will go eventually but for the moment she is ok. I spent the rest of the morning digging another bed and then put in Spinach, Beetroot and Mixed Lettuce. Fingers crossed they grow! I headed home for a very  late lunch early dinner and a bit of a sleep before returning to the allotment to put the girls to bed! But I can never spend too much time at my Happy Place and as usual it worked it's magic on me! 

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