Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Retirement: Day One

JR popped back to school this morning to collect all the stuff she had to leave there yesterday. A boot load of presents and cards! The staff and parents made a real fuss of her. Nice to end one's career on a high note. The staff were amused/amazed when JR told them she started her teaching career the same year that man first landed on the moon! Ancient history to the young teachers.

We dropped Archie off with Janet and Bailey, where he had a two hour walk up in the hills in the sunshine, and made it home just before the rain.

We then drove down to our favourite Country House Hotel. And what an excellent meal it was too, with a super menu, and we were both happy with our choices. (I hate it when you think the other person's meal looks more enticing than the one you ordered).

We had just been seated in the bay window - the best table - when a handsome beardy waiter arrived with an ice bucket and a bottle of bubbly with a wee note from our dear pals in Jersey! How very thoughtful of them. As I was the designated driver, I only had one small glass, but JR managed three of them. The waiter gave us a nifty top for the unfinished bottle - though I doubt we'll have any use for it at home...

Picked up Archie, then home to finish off the bottle and watch Wimbledon and the football with the sound off. Rufus and his mum kindly came to assist us with a second bottle...

JR has very much enjoyed her first day of retirement!

Edit: Well done Wales !!

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