Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Big Day!

JR's last day! She went to school for the last time (as an employee - she'll be there in the holidays helping folk) with armfuls of flowers, cards and gifts for colleagues. I brought the car back, as she's going for lunch with some staff, and a small celebratory tipple may slip through her lips...

I was back home again by 8 o'clock, so popped back to bed with my coffee, iPad and dog. I must say, it was very fast moving this morning with Conservatives throwing hats into rings, stabbing each other in the back or slinging thinly veiled insults. Fascinating. Even better than Wimbles.

Rufus and his mum invited us for lunch at the dog friendly 56 North. We walked across the Meadows and met lots of dogs - at one point there were six dogs all playing around, including a beautiful big Alsation/Husky cross.

Our meal was great - a steak sandwich and a beer. Perfect. I'd definitely have that again. Both dogs just quietly watched the comings and goings in the cafe, with the uniformly blonde and gorgeous waitresses making a fuss of them.

On the way back, the pipe band who were practising on the way over were still there (two hours later!) and at the other end of the path was a brass band, also practising. We're back home now, stuffed. Watching tennis, but even more political happenings in the hour or so I hadn't been watching.

This card is perfect for JR. Holidays and dog walking will take up JR's time from now on. Archie put his paw on an ink pad and signed the card with his pawprint. Unfortunately he then put his still inky paw on the carpet, but JR hasn't noticed it yet...

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