Foiled plan... keep our friends in Ibiza...They left for the UK this afternoon. We had a brilliant morning together praying & eating...and Asha even squeezed in one last swim! We had time for an extra coffee with T as his flight was a couple of hours later, so at least (for us) their departure was staggered.

This evening we made homemade burgers, beef (that M&M gave us), onions (see extra for Danny taking the chopping v seriously!), bread, egg, salt & pepper...took them down to the rocks (extra) & shared a beer between us...they were seriously tasty! A good way to combat the blues of friends going home.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time praying with M&M. 
2) Bumping into 2 friends in the café.
3) Anti-cockroach spray - spent time chasing one round the dining room this morning... Eeeeeek! 

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