
By mef13

Salad Days

I have yet to be convinced that I can grow tomatoes successfully in a hanging basket, but at least I am going to have a go.
I have grown them successfully in the past in a greenhouse, but have to admit that my last attempt a few years ago of attempting to grow them outdoors in growbags was a disaster.
Yet I am assured that with the right choice and lots of tender loving care, I could be enjoying sweet tasting tomatoes right through to the autumn.
When I looked into the possibilities I found a surfeit of advice — everything from which varieties to chose right down to the amount of feed to give them and positioning for maximum sunshine.
Now,  that last element might be the problem, because here we are, past midsummer’s day, and in this part of the world at least, sunshine has been in very short supply so far.
Nevertheless, I will persevere, and fingers crossed, we will be able to enjoy a cascading crop of cherry tomatoes before summer is out.

Somewhere in the back of my mind though, is this nagging doubt, that I cannot shake off.

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