
By mef13

Cant Nap

Time was when we would have a real live puss-cat sitting on our back door step.  Come to think of it, although we sadly no longer have a cat as a household pet, a number of neighbouring cats seem to recognise that we are a feline-friendly house.
At various times during most days we seem to be the one place in the road  that neighbouring cats make a habit of visiting.  Sometime just wandering in the garden, at other time sitting purposefully in the hedgerow, and I have seen one regularly going home with a mouse in its mouth.
Maybe our porcelain moggy currently sitting on the back step is a poor relation of the cat we used to have as a pet, or indeed, many years ago, with the one I grew up with in my parents’ home.  Not even a lifelike replica.
And nothing like the splendid ginger coloured neighbour’s cat I found one summer day fast asleep in the sunshine on our spare bedroom floor upstairs. Well the door was open, and it had clearly slunk in while I was in the garden.
So there is no way that a porcelain effigy can ever be lifelike. Or can it? I caught sight of an almost identical porcelain model in a nearby front window the other day, and had to do a double take.

At least I haven’t got round to talking to this one yet!

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