Lakeland Dipper 33

It's never going to be a quiet walk heading up Easedale but the valley was full of cotton grass, bog asphodel, sundew everywhere just about to flower, and the odd metaphor (extra).

There's nothing like putting a damp wetsuit from the day before on but I decided to go for it even though it was cold. I've been in here plenty of times before when I lived here but am always frightened of my nemesis,
this guy's cousin, who is either the same one or a descendent of the original that has passed on his spotsoftime-seeking missile tactics on to the next generation and scares the wetsuit off me.

The large glacial boulder in the foreground used to form part of the wall of the old Victorian refreshment hut.

As I was heading back to the car I met an old Grasmere couple I have known for many years, it was nice they remembered me and I told them it was our anniversary tomorrow. We talked about G's father who had gathered together a band of Grasmere men to fight in the Spanish Civil War. I was glad that our combined memories of the story tallied. Grasmere had a black shirt presence at the time and when they stayed at the youth hostel G's father suggested politely that they continue their marching up the fell. Quite a few other stories re-emerged ... uncle Robert and his 'hogus' where a dead pig was discovered under the mattress after he died and all his maps and papers of the area were burnt (much to G's distress) and then, of course, there was Peg-leg Tyson ....

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