Little loon

Beautiful, crazy little loon.

She woke at almost 7 today and was full of it when she did. She spent a good hour doing music theory, working on time signatures that she'd started to try figure out in her last lesson.

We headed out to church, she was annoyed that we had to drive there as we had to collect a load of things for church. It was a great morning, with a thanksgiving for one of our new babies and a shared lunch afterwards.

Katie's balletbuddy called to see if she might like to go out for the afternoon. They went to the garden centre near where we used to live. Katie and her buddy apparently had fun being able to have a little look round near where Miss S was sitting for coffee. The girls had ice cream and played happily. She arrived back not long before tea & had a few minutes playing in Katie's room before her buddy went home.

Katie did some piano after tea but was pretty tired. I snuggled her down into bed pretty soon after!

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