A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Rise And Shine

Time to go home.

We set off about 10ish and cruised at a steady 120 kph down the motorways of south-eastern Spain with the air con doing a grand job.

We did have the roof off for a couple of hours, but when the thermometer told us the air temperature was 36, we decided to close it again!

The new car behaved superbly, delivering 5.2 l/100 km, which is about 54 mpg in old money.

After a short pause at Malaga airport to collect the other Astra, we arrived home, tired but relieved (at least I was) in time to take Buster for his evening walk.

It has been a mini-adventure, flying to Mallorca, buying the car, and then driving her home again. Great fun, but I'm glad we have returned in one piece - and with the car.

Nothing was ever certain.  

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