Fortunate Convergence

Why Do We Fall? - Hans Zimmer

What an amazing weekend. It has been very turbulent recently with many new things in my life that need to be put in focus. On many occassions one would experience plenty of frustration and anxiety. It's normal and difficult to go through, but there are those times when your friends, family and the general beauty of your inner passions that help put things into perpective and make the road much easier to walk. Those times are diamonds, in and amongst the sand and despite seeming valueless during those dark times, they come wonderfully unexpectedly and pick you back up again.

Thanks to the crew for getting together, we'll slowly "rise" again. Extremely glad to have finally seen The Dark Knight Rises at the theatres. What an incredible film! Loved it to shreds. Although I prefer The Dark Knight in some respects, "Rises" is just sensational. Tom Hardy is a king, love Bane. As far as I'm concerned Christopher Nolan has not made a bad film. So precise, efficient and effective. For me The Prestige was his weakest but it's still fantastic. Can't wait to see The Dark Knight Rises again!

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