Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks


Look who I found on The Struggle (Kirkstone Pass to Ambleside) - Although I only got a photo of the Male Yellowhammer it was certainly a family of them calling and replying.

My only in the car day of the week - a tour over Dunmail Raise ( well I had to when they had fixed the road after the floods) to see first Blencathra (see Extra photo) and then on to Ullswater and the new Steamer Pier (an Extra photo) at Aira Force - it was actually freezing cold standing to watch the steamer arrive.  Then on to Glenridding one of my favourite places which is still under repair post Storm Desmond Dec 2015 but great to see so many tourists using the village shops and cafes. An extra photo of the beck side reinforcement in progress

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