Pike O'Stickle

from Blea Tarn just before it got all hot and humid.  Very pleasant in the late morning there.  We enjoyed finding Wheatear on the same fence posts as last year and then had a fine old time trying to work out which birdsongs belonged to which birds.  On such an airless quiet day the songs were carrying a great distance.  The Wheatear has a nice song (rarely heard by me) and then we have Whitethroat less attractive and finally Whinchat which is much more melodic - such a lovely bird - there seemed to be two singing but never managed to see one they were well hidden and a good way up Lingmoor Fell.

Nice late lunch at Maple Tree Cafe in Elterwater - Swifts screaming very low overhead as the Lakes Ice creams were being finished.

Home again this evening. Got out of the car at M6 Forton services to be hit by the heat - shows the car air conditioning works - quite a shock and very unpleasant.

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