Looking South

By 13south

Oh Dear!

I looked up from my computer to see a young herring gull running across the back garden.  Didn't see it again for a while until I found it huddled against the side gate.  (This photo was taken from as far away as possible using a zoom lens.)  I did a cruel-to-be-kind and chased it onto the lawn to give it room to take off.  It must be able to fly.  It didn't arrive by parachute.  No luck.  Gull perches on bench and looks through window.  Gull falls off bench as cat arrives.  I chase off cat.  Adult gulls arrive.  Hooray!  Nope.  Youngster hides.  Obviously not his mum and dad.  Youngster once more huddled by side gate, but I'm not going to open it and let him onto the road.  I can only hope that cold and hunger help him fly before a passing fox wanders into the garden.  All the while the squirrel was shaking the branches of the tree in rage because it couldn't get at the feeder.  There's never a dull moment in my garden!

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