In residence...

Garden Party day today at the Palace so my lunch time stroll had a tad more posh and ceremonial feel to it today with guests in their finery and some in uniform gathering and waiting on the Palace gates to open.

Was threatening rain but actually stayed dry and we enjoyed a lovely sunny walk tonight with a wee stop off at the Kings Park.

Back home and we stuck on The West Wing...didn't grab the Barmy Armies attention as much as Madame Secretary does but I've decided that there is a lot of situation room scenes in the latter and that will get the boys interested. Anyway I'm going to keep chipping away at this one...they WILL appreciate The West Wing :-)

Finished the day with a family conference to allocate new toothbrushes to everyone and make sure everyone knows what colour and design they are...thus hopefully avoiding the need for any situation room gatherings at the Stirling Reidos pad!

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