Cat Bite

When I woke up this morning my hand, where Florence bit me late on Monday evening, had swollen and was quite painful. I rang our GP surgery as I knew my tetanus injection was overdue! My original appointment this afternoon was with Chris, one of the nurses/phlebotomists so that she could give me the injection. She also decided that I needed to see the doctor, so I was slotted in between other patients. The doctor examined my hand and drew round the inflamed and swollen part, she has prescribed a hefty dose of antibiotics and I have to go back, in the next twenty-four hours, if the swelling and redness goes outside the lines. It seems that there have been several cases of cat bites at the surgery these last few days; something in the air, so the doctor said! Tetanus injections are also known to be very painful, making the arm feel very heavy.

As this is a record of my (often boring) daily life, today’s picture could not be anything other than my wounded hand.

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