Book of the Day!!

In fact Book of the Month! And quite probably Book of the Year, if not Forever!!

Today turned out to be a much better day than was forecast, so after a quick visit to Queen Street in Bath (today's blip) this morning to run a few errands, I spent the rest of the day in the garden, totally engrossed in a book that was recommended to me yesterday. I couldn’t put it down, and read it cover to cover! So if you’re after a deeply charged poetic novel for Summer, then I thoroughly recommend “A Month in the Country” by J L Carr.

“A damaged survivor of the First World War, Tom Birkin finds refuge in the quiet village church of Oxgodby where he is to spend the summer uncovering a huge medieval wall-painting. Immersed in the peace and beauty of the countryside and the unchanging rhythms of village life he experiences a sense of renewal and belief in the future. Now an old man, Birkin looks back on the idyllic summer of 1920, remembering a vanished place of blissful calm, untouched by change, a precious moment he has carried with him through the disappointments of the years. Adapted into a 1987 film starring Colin Firth, Natasha Richardson and Kenneth Branagh, A Month in the Country traces the slow revival of the primeval rhythms of life so cruelly disorientated by the Great War.”

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