Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Mmm, holiday ice cream

Day one of our mini holiday in Norfolk. We stopped at the Elveden estate (near where we go to Centre Parks) in order to stop William sleeping for too long in the car. His consolation was ice cream. An hour on and we were pitching the tent, but neither of us had any mobile signal. It was lovely in one way as were weren't disturbed in anyway, but slightly annoying as we weren't able to keep up with the Olympics once they started. even further afield the signal was patchy to say the least. How do people who live out there manage?

Anyway, nice campsite. A little too much water in the form of ponds etc. for my liking, but our kids are still too young to wander far without us. Very busy, but then we haven't had to camp in the school summer holidays before.

Looking forward to tomorrow when we head to BeWilderwood for a day of adventure.

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