
Up early and Juno and I headed up Strath Glass, what a cracking wee glen.

We took the track through the forestry, not much life in the blanket cover. As we got higher does and their young appeared bolting into the trees with Juno bounding after with no chance.

Out of the trees the towering wind turbines swished in the wind. The cloud was down so they did not impact my view.

We headed up through peat hags and made it to the dry higher ground. An old fence with the wooden stakes disappearing into the gloom led us on. The summit trig reached with no view so I turned round and made our way down. The weather broke on the way down and we headed down to the loch.

Back home and made breakfast for the 'chilling' family.

We then headed out to the beach for a wonder.

Lots of seals basking on the sand banks.

Juno is knackered.


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