Bought a Bed

Today has been a day of substantial purchases.

When Len and I stayed at Tissington in mid-June, we found the bed in the apartment where we were staying to be incredibly comfortable. I peeled back the sheet and found that the mattress was integrated with a cushioned top. 

It was SO comfortable, that I rang the owner and asked him where he had bought the mattress. Bensons for Beds.

I looked on the website and found similar mattresses, but thought it much more prudent to go and look in a shop. Fortunately, we have a Bensons for Beds on a retail estate just off the A6. Len and I went there this morning. 

The lady was able to identify what we wanted from our description, and since the bed base was just £100 more than buying the mattress on its own, we opted for the whole unit. I do so like interest free credit. 

Home via Oakley Grange Farm where we treated ourselves to lunch. The garden is looking somewhat neglected. I wanted to go round to pull out the weeds.

My other big purchase was the newly announced Fuji x-t2 camera, which will become available in September. More interest free credit, thank the Lord, and I've ferreted out a camera and two lenses to part fund the purchase in part exchange.

No prizes for guessing where I took the photo.

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