Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

journey to OZ

A lay in.......well until 7;30 ish anyway!

Out on the bikes this morning with my Brother-in-law, a little 20 miler around the lanes and roads in Norfolk....not very fast as he is new to the sport but great to get out anytime in the sun!

The weather stayed fine and we chatted (when we weren't on hills, he is still not used to them yet) as we went along, past all the lovely roadside flowers and the field edges that were covered in poppies.

Back at the campsite and it was time for a shower, then for another great breakfast and to pack the tent up.

As we left the site the weather came in and we had the wildest drive...dashing through massive downpours and lightning storms. We camped out at my Inlaws for the afternoon and watched the Olympics.

What a great weekend!

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