Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In the quiet of the night

Sleep and I have oft been casual strangers, meeting like leaves in the wind, by no design.
I can be awake in peaceful rest, lying still while my body eases but my mind still flows. In some kind of waking trance. Last night my legs did not want to lay still and rather than keep my good lady awake with my naughty feet, I decided to sit on the decking for a while. A while, being a non specific period, lasted a few hours.

I sat watching as the stars moved gently across the heavens, as small wispy clouds meandered passed, an owl noiselessly flew over and as satellites spun through the sky. Perhaps dreams drifted from the open windows of the houses nearby while a shooting star burned brightly for a second and then was gone.

After deciding that it was time to get to bed, I lay listening to the gentle sounds of my magical lady bewitching me to sleep. Such things I would share with her but she gets grumpy without lots of sleep.

Just a few hours later I'm dressed and in the coffee's been a wonderful day already....let's see what other magical stuff will happen!

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