Les Bleus
Our first day of school holidays dawned with a much needed lie-in for most of us. So much so that I think Mr B was first up.
Another super-hot day. I ended up having to water the garden during the day, which takes ages and results in a very hot and bothered SooB. CarbBoy chummed me along to the market (I know he only does it for the trip to the sweetie shop) where we bought much veg from our super-chatty veg man, cheese from CheeseLady and bread from The Bread Shop. I like to keep our naming scheme simple, rather than actually learning names.
Later TallGirl needed a bit of during-lunch help wrapping a present and tying it to an owl (Harry Potter themed present). She went off to her party-at-the-end-of-the-road with her ears ringing with 'keep putting on sun cream'. And she returned several hours later with a lobster face....
Meanwhile, Mr B and I had a meeting on the terrace (with pink cocktails) to try and help out with a local thing. And later there was football, French drama, and temperatures a little too warm for a duvet.
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