B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Wow - cookies!

I was feelin' like cookies, so since I had a little time and the proper ingredients... I opened a cookbook and began the recipe.

I should have realized this wasn't just "any" ole recipe... no, this one could easily feed a small village. As I added ingredients It became clear that my quick batch of cookies would find me hovering near the stove all afternoon.

When all had been baked, I was blessed with over 5 DOZEN cookies.... quick math - yes, that's over 60 cookies! As delicious as they are, there would be no way that my family could eat all these cookies. I stuck about 3 dozen in foodsaver bags to freeze, leaving the rest for us to enjoy.

Note to self: next time the recipe calls for 4 eggs, 4 cups of flour, and a 3 1/2 cups of suger among other things - you're making an army sized batch of cookies!!

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