The rest of forever...

By DrMac

So you think you're quick enough, eh?

I'm really chuffed with this capture!!!

Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary! We have been together for nine years...Paul deserves a medal!

This morning we had an early start, doing stretching and mobility work before a twenty minute run together in the streets. The heat, humidity and altitude (albeit it only 1300m!) really made a difference to me! After cooling down, more foam rollering and stretching, we munched breakfast and drank tea. Paul headed off to work and I walked to the gym to do my main training session. It felt good...there were a number of weight lifting men in there but I put my iPod shuffle on the sound machine, turned up the volume and got on with my training!

I walked home to shower and change and then walked to Paul's school. We got the minibus into Thamel and had lunch at the British Embassy Club. This picture was taken in their garden...these guys were having great fun playing about and tormenting the birds! They are indian striped squirrels. I wasn't supposed to take photographs in case I compromised security but I got away with these!!!

We then wandered into Thamel where I bought some TNF t-shirts and a pair of shorts and Paul bought some crocs! We had cool drinks and cheesecake in Himalayan Java Coffee House and then got a taxi home. I fell asleep! I'm feeling pooped so am about to settle in front of the Olympics for a quick snooze before we take the new staff out for dinner again. Not such a romantic way to spend your anniversary, eh! There are another couple who are celebrating their 2nd anniversary, although they are whippersnappers and make me feel very old!!!!!!

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