
By Mal49

Burning Mountain!

Todays blips are several days late, all due to the weather. During the week I indicated that we would visit the mountain, but the rain decided to change our plans. Burning mountain is part of a Nature Reserve, from the NewEngland highway the highest point is 540m and a 2.3km walk. That is why in the first blip we look a little warn. The second rather un spectacular shot is of the exposed burning mountain. What is unusual is the history. Geological and historical evidence shows that about 6km north and about 6000 years ago a coal seam was set on fire in an area now known as the Pages River. The fire may have been caused by a bush fire or a lightning strike, but the coal seam started burning. It is late winter and we would really appreciate some of our warm weather back, hope you have a really great day!

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