Pann Mill

After ringing for Sunday service we headed out with our friends Steve and Sarah for a pub lunch and then on to visit Pann Mill.  We have been planning to visit this mill for about 3 years but it is only open 3 times a year and for various reasons we haven't made it!  Today we did and what a lovely afternoon it was too.  Considering this is in the heart of High Wycombe, right alongside the A40, it is very green and peaceful.  We had tea and cake too and brought some of the freshly milled flour too.  

Back home we chatted about our trip to the USA next year, tickets will be booked in August for the trip in May, exciting!

Pann Mill sits at the eastern end of High Wycombe and is a gateway to the Rye open space. It is the last operating water mill on the river Wye, a tributary of the Thames. There have been mills on the site since at least 1086, and probably earlier. The previous Georgian mill was substantially altered in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and mostly demolished in 1971. However, the High Wycombe Society saved the remains and the site, which is owned by High Wycombe Council, and a restoration project was started which continues to this day.

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