Let There Be Light

By solli

The 300

Unus Mundus

I've have so enjoyed being able to visit your uniquely brilliant journals with your unbelievably beautiful landscapes, those wild backyard critters, the sumptous sunrises, sunsets, rainbows and moon shots, your gardens and hometowns, your adorable pets, and your lovely families. I've said WOW so many times I've lost count!

Your journals have caused me to laugh out loud in the middle of the night, nod my head in perfect agreement, ponder at the differences in our lives, and have brought me to tears when I read of your difficulties and losses. My heart has been touched in ways I could never imagine when I first embarked upon this journey nine months ago, and I am thankful for your blip friendship.

On a personal level, these nine months have born me into a more thorough understanding of my camera, I've gained the realization that my eyes and hands will fail me, I'm aware of my commitment and competitive levels and what I will endure to get a shot that might be worthy to post on blipfoto. I've the fire in the belly to continue blipping but I've also believed that I couldn't go on much longer. However, there are those milestones to consider!

For the past few weeks I thought to do something special for today, to photograph bubbles or do a light painting, but I am not very competent with that type of photography yet so for a fleeting moment I thought "Well, if all else fails I can always look for a Chrysler 300."

I woke this morning to find I was out of yogurt, carrots, celery and apples so a trip to the grocery store was in order. Upon returning to my car, the first thing I noticed with dawning disbelief was the front grill of a black Chrysler parked directly behind my Mini!

I abandoned my shopping cart to walk around to the back of the car. Sure enough, there was the distinctive chrome badge which read "300 Touring" Disbelief morphed into elation as I ran for my camera to snap a few shots! The owner of the Chrysler appeared while I was crouched down shooting, and she looked somewhat concerned so I explained about this website and thanked her for making my celebratory blip day a wee bit sweeter. She was happy to have been part of it!

I'd like to thank you for being part of my life on blipfoto and for sharing yours with me. And a big thanks also to blipcentral for continuing to make this forum a very special place! xo xo xo

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