Let There Be Light

By solli

You're Golden

I'd like to thank you all for your hearts, stars and well wishes on my blip birthday yesterday! I am overwhelmed with your kindness and support, not to mention the fact that you pushed me to the top row of the spotlight page! Thank you! xoxoxo

I spent the morning in Lenape Pond trying to find something pretty with which to express my gratiude. The weather forcast has been calling for thunderstorms all week but the sun came out for a bit and highlighted the numerous dragons that were happily flitting about. This one posed very nicely on the reed!

Things were going along swimmingly until I heard thunder in the distance and looked up to see dark ominous clouds rolling in. I should have packed up then but of course I didn't.


I arrived home wet and bedraggled to find the hubby gazing out the back door. He'd been on vacation all week, lollying about watching youtube videos and checking his Facebook feed. These are not auspicious signs.
"Come here."He said. Take a look at this!"

Now in order to continue with the story and to see what I saw, you must click on the link here!

After my initial moment of incredulousness, I ran for the camera to document his nutsiness. He said he'd had enough of the two squirrels who were hogging the woodpecker's food and Max was getting tired of running after them. Right. I think a youtube video lit his firecracker!

Rest assured that no squirrels were spun dizzy by his mad engineering mind because after I gave him a sound "ARE YOU CRAZY? THIS IS INSANE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I got the scissors and cut those tie wraps off straightaway!

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