Warts and All

Many, multiple, lots, ooodles... of thanks for the appreciative comments on my journal following my 500th blip. I will get around to thanking you all, hopefully before my 730th.

and as a way of showing my appreciation - you get a warts and all SP!!!! well maybe not warts, but certainly wrinkles, lines and stubble. I guess I have a 'well lived in face.'

I told Dozy to make me laugh.

This is not me laughing, this is quizzical, enquiring, wondering at the strange contortions she was pulling with her face. That would have made a much better blip than my ugly mug!

Other shots were sharper; sorry it is not in quite in focus. I was pressing the remote control, trying to smile and trying not to move as I knew it was a reasonably long exposure - and we all know that men cannot multi-task. But I guess that it is ME!

Off to Dartmoor tomorrow for a few days.

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