
By Akasha

Rare moment of peace and quiet.

A rare moment of peace and quiet from my little poochie babies. Rosie (4 month old pug cross) has fallen asleep with a tuft of hair hanging out of her mouth which she has no doubt pulled from Daisy my 9 year old Retriever.
They are quite funny one minute they are racing round like loonies the next they are snuggled up fast asleep. My two retrievers just sigh and look at them with then knowledge that they have to get it out of their system before sleep. Very often Sam my 2 year old Retriever will grab one by the scruff of the neck just to settle it down if its getting too rowdy. He doesnt hurt them at all but they soon get the message that enough is enough an its time to sleep. He very often saves me from trying to quiet them.
Just another day in the life of the mad dog lady!!!!!!!

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