Partridge Family

My attention was caught this afternoon by what I thought was someone whistling to their dog, but the whistle was followed by a bell-like trill, and I realised it was some wild creature. I've only ever heard two separate sounds like that , the whistle of a marmot in the Alps, and a bell bird in New Zealand , and I thought it was unlikely that either of those two would be wandering round an English country garden. On investigation it proved to be this young grey partridge ( At least that's what we think it is but neither of us is an expert on birds. Well, LooseCanon could just about identify that it wasn't a marmot, I'm a bit more advanced and knew it was definitely a bird.) stuck in the garden unable to fly back over the fence. The cats were showing great interest, so we thought we had better rescue it, having taken photos first obviously. Never let an animal rescue mission get in the way of a blip. We tried to throw a sheet over it but it suddenly remembered how to fly and made it back over the fence to the field.
It has got two legs but one was hidden away out of sight.
Anyway it's a wild bird in the wrong place so I think it qualifies for Wildwed15, dreamt up but most definitely not hosted or judged by Cailleach

Edit10 PM. Ok any advance on Quail??

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