
By CharlotteJ


I do hate seeing wildlife on the side of the road like this ;)

This was taken about 15 mins before I went ‘splat’....spotted my the side on the public path where I run.  made me chuckle as I know the dog who's toy it is!!

but anyway, I mentioned splat........I was running on the road (Chris in front) looking up and forward enjoying the last K of our run, when I tripped on a lump in the road and went flying!!  I landed on my right-hand side, hip and leg got the full brunt (thank god for some padding!!) and of course my hand (not my CTS one) picked up some ‘bits’.  Ive taken skin off around my shin and thigh, but hey, it could have been worse!  No cars were involved or around.  Thankfully Chris was there and he picked me up, after checking me over and we walked back home…..the sting and graze that looks rather pink is clearly visible but nothing broken.....I do suspect I may feel a bit stiff in the morning.  On the positive side, I have officially broken in my new trainers and I know now where the lump in the road is!!!!

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