twinned with trumpton


A day on the office; of no great note. Not even sure I felt misanthropic enough to even bother plugging into loud blaring punk rock.

Out at lunch for a brief wander and an iced custard slice (RTC) before more of the same. (For once I feel like I'm in control of the workload - I'm sure it won't last)

And then a sharp finish (for me) - we (me, her, Nic) left to go to hers for dinner - I had the bits for a chicken and ham and mushroom and leek pie and pecan pie for dessert.
Did a bit of prep before Bill and then Mel arrived and we had our first Come Dine With Me in a while.
Some good chat, a great catch up and finally left around midnight; Bill and I walked to the top of Leith St before he weaved off along Waterloo Place; I slipped off down Broughton Street.

Her leaving work

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