twinned with trumpton


(In)security Camera

And after not nearly enough sleep and probably too much to drink the night before, I emerged reasonably unscathed. To the bike! And Wester Hailes first up. A bit of a slog first up, but a decent day and a quiet route out there.
A few photos, a couple of calls and I was soon off and running; back into Merchiston and the West End. Bumped into a former colleague; then the quickest of meet ups at lunch time before ploughing through the work at a decent rate. Siesta at lunch and then writing up stuff; before - lo! The return of the boys.
I got them from school holiday club; they were bouncy and lively; we ate heartily and wolfed watermelon and exchanged tales of travels, read stories. Spoke to their mother - job to reapply for; aunt about to pass away, mother increasingly unable to cope with independent living; so quite where she gets the time and energy to fight me over nothing, I'm not sure.

And then after watching (again) TDF bits with even more dismay and incredulity than the first time.... (I'm sure I've blipped this before - maybe here?  )

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