Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's all about the pace ...

We went for a lovely circular walk, from Waterloo along the embankment to Lambeth Palace, over the bridge to Milbank and 'round the back of Westminster (sitting for a while in the gardens of the medieval remains of The Jewel Tower) to St James's Park (down Cockpit Steps on Old Queen Street - you have to love that); then back through Horse Guards, Whitehall, Northumberland Avenue, over Hungerford Bridge and back to Waterloo. It was all very slow with lots of stops, including this, one of my favourite places to buy coffee in London - a kiosk a few hundred yards from Lambeth Bridge on the South side of the river.  

The therapy journey

Last night's dream involved me being taken to live in Aged P's nursing home, which curiously they were fitting out with a gym for my personal use. This seemed to involve a committee of several people. I smilingly told them not to bother as I had my own plans. Figure that one out.

Going to the station I did not feel at all good and at one point wondered whether to suggest we go home, but I perked up on the train. The walk in London was very tiring but I only had one sleep, sitting on a bench in St James's park; I woke up with a start thinking I was on the settee at home.

Had an early viewing of "Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow" with Tom Cruise. Enjoyable nonsense, but good one to switch off with. Movies can be part of therapy.

I've been thinking a lot about going back to work and how I manage energy levels in future. This has been what has been making me miserable for months now; every day has been a slog. I need more flexibility in my day if I am to get through.

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